Your UC textbook lists - 2022

This page contains textbooks information for all our counselling courses.

SB1: 10 January – 27 February
Code Unit Name Textbook

Counselling Theory and Approaches

Corey, G. (2015) Theory and practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy (10th Ed.) Cengage Learning.

SB2: 7 March – 1 May
Code unit Name Textbook

Core Counselling Skills

Geldard, D., Geldard, K., Yin Foo, R. (2017). Basic personal counselling: A training manual for counsellors. (8th ed.). Pearson/Prentice-Hall. ISBN 9780170364362.

SB3: 9 May – 26 June
Code unit Name Textbook

Principles of Ethical Conduct in Counselling

Corey, G., Corey, M.S., Corey, C. (2018). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Brooks/ Cole.

SB4: 4 July – 21 August
Code unit Name Textbook

Diversity Inclusion Respect

Hutton, V., Sisko. S. (Eds.) (2021) Multicultural Responsiveness in Counselling and Psychology: Working with Australian Populations. Springer.

SB5: 29 August – 16 October
Code unit Name Textbook

Counselling Theory and Approaches G

Corey, G. (2015) Thoery and practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy (10th Ed.) Cengage Learning.